ISO: 80, Mode: Manual, Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec, F-Stop: f/5.6
Adjustment: Black & White, Contrast
Adjustment: Black & White, Contrast
ISO: 160, Mode: Manual, Shutter Speed: 1/1600 sec, F-Stop: f/5.6
Adjustment: Contrast, Vibrance, Saturation
ISO: 1600, Mode: Manual, Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec, F-Stop: f/4.5Adjustment: Contrast, Vibrance, Saturation
Adjustment: Vibrance, Blue Filter, Contrast
The hardest part of the assignment was trying to find creative ways to shoot the object in the image so it wouldn't look flat. The most interesting part was trying to balance the light with the shadows in a way that was complimentary. The image that I think is most successful is the marble mortar and pestle image because the colors really speak to me and I feel it's as if I can extend my hand towards the photo on the screen and I would be able to touch it. The photos almost look 3D in my eyes.
Yes, light is amazing and you did a great job of making the images pop. I have to say I think the parrot is my favorite...perhaps because the bird is looking right at the camera? Nice work.